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LEGO - Serious Play with Big Ideas

Everyone knows those primary-coloured bricks and figures are lots of fun to play with (and much less fun to accidentally stand on in bare feet). So, out of intrigue, I signed up for a LEGO Serious Play workshop at the Rocketspark Digital Pop-Up Shop event. During our workshop, facilitated by Rob Bull of Plexus Consulting, I and four others tried out the programme to consider elements of exceptional customer experience. The point is to think metaphorically and use the pieces to represent your id...

December 2, 2020

Defining your Unique Value Proposition

🤔 Why should a customer choose you? Unless your product or service is entirely new, cutting-edge and in hot demand, it’s likely that your customers have choices. Maybe a lot of choices. Stand out to make your offering more attractive in some way by defining your UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION (or unique selling point) and making it crystal clear to your audience. A good place to begin is by asking yourself: ⚡ What do you do DIFFERENTLY? ⚡ What do you do BETTER? ⚡ How do you ADD VALUE? ⚡...

September 4, 2020

Are You Making This Mistake with Emails?

Be honest. Are your emails all about you? It’s an easy trap to fall into - and you may not even realise you're doing it - but you're probably not engaging your readers. Truth is, your readeris likely going about their busy day, with an in-box chock-full of messages, and doesn’t care too much about what’s going on with you.  Sorry. 🤷‍♀️ ⚡They do, however, care quite a lot about THEMSELVES. ⚡ So, try turning things around by making your message all about your reader. Itâ€...

September 2, 2020

Copy or Content?

🤔 Do you need copy or content? What’s the difference anyway?   I could probably talk for quite a long time about it, but instead, the very quick version is this: ⚡COPY =  CONVERT Copy is strategic, persuasive writing that’s designed to convert, so you’ll find this type of writing on landing pages, email sequences, websites and sales pages. ⚡CONTENT = CONNECT Content is designed to add value, build your brand, establish credibility and move your audience through the KNOW-L...

September 1, 2020

2020 Vision: A free 8-step marketing plan to help you see next year more clearly

The end of the year is a great time to reflect on what’s been and look ahead to what’s yet to come. For most businesses, that process includes updating the marketing plan for the year ahead (or, for many small businesses, finally getting around to writing the marketing plan). A lot can happen in a year - trends come and go, attitudes change and what once was hot, is suddenly not. Which makes this the perfect time to re-evaluate, figure out what went well in 2019 and take note of what didn’...

December 17, 2019

The Art of Conversation - what the 1950s can teach us about social media

I recently came across one of those quaint old etiquette guides from back in the days when manners mattered and people were so keen to learn how to avoid causing offence that they’d buy a book on the subject. As I glanced through an article on the art of conversation, which was clearly written with cocktail parties and formal dinners in mind, I was struck by how entirely relevant the guidelines are today, in the age of social media. Let’s take a look: 1. Listen more than you talkThis is s...

August 14, 2019

What to Expect When Hiring a Copywriter

So, you’re thinking of hiring someone to write for you. Maybe your website has gone off the boil, you don’t have time to write your own blog or you’ve got a big report or presentation looming and don’t even know where to begin. There are lots of reasons why seeking professional help with the writing of your marketing communications is a great idea: You’re busy and your time is better spent running your business than agonising over how to write what you want to say. If you’re not a...

July 30, 2019

Keeping It Real - 4 ways to avoid harming your brand

The term ‘woke-washing’ has been bandied about quite a bit in marketing circles recently. In a nutshell, ‘woke’ is urban slang, meaning social and environmental awareness, and ‘woke-washing’ describes the unfortunate phenomenon of brands not living up to their activism marketing PR in practice. Consumers are savvy; they want to know where and how their beef was raised, whether their favourite snacks contain palm oil and that their shirt wasn’t made by children in a Bangladesh swea...

June 28, 2019 Posts 1-8 of 8 | Page